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Penn Employment Services

Since 1987, The Arc of York and Adams Counties has helped provide the south central Pennsylvania business community with productive, dependable employees, and has assisted hundreds of people with disabilities in acquiring and maintaining meaningful employment.

The Arc’s supported employment staff work together with both employers and job candidates, helping match individuals’ interests and abilities with available job opportunities.

The Arc of York and Adams Counties provides one-on-one assistance to the new employee until the individual is working independently, at which time the staff support fades from the job site. Follow up visits are made monthly or more as necessary.

Penn Employment Adult Services

Penn Employment Student Services

Penn Employment School to Work Program

NOTE- Beginning in the fall of 2022, The Arc of York County and The Arc of Adams County began the process of merging to better serve individuals in York and Adams Counties.  Although we are still awaiting our official name change to “The Arc of York and Adams Counties,” we proudly serve all individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in both York and Adams Counties.

Main Office
497 Hill Street
York, PA 17403
Phone: 717-846-6589
Fax: 717-852-8842

Highland Center for Vocational Services
520 N. Highland Avenue
York, PA 17404
Phone: (717) 846-6589

Hanover Office
1 Center Square
Suite 100
Hanover, PA 17331
Phone: 717-846-6589

Biglerville Office
25 Franklin Street
Biglerville, PA 17307

Gettysburg Office
14 Deatrick Drive
Gettysburg, PA 17325